Monday, December 29, 2008

Nothing's ever gonna stand in my way again

In a sign that I either need to pick more manageable goals or stop putting things off to the last minute, I have started having anxiety dreams about reaching my blog goal. Because I can create anxiety about just about anything. This particular dream involved me sitting at home, trying to finish my blog on the last possible night, and the power going out so that I couldn't use the internet. I woke up in a cold sweat.

Here are 13 other things that might hinder me from finishing on time. I picked the number 13 because it signifies unluckiness, and not finishing 200 entries would be unlucky. Also, at this writing, there are 13 posts left to go. After this writing, there will be merely 12.

1. Writer's Block
Crippling, crippling writer's block. Right now I have a little post-it with subjects left to cover, but there aren't enough to reach the required number of posts. Unfortunately, the anxiety I described earlier sometimes fuels the fire of the my writer's block.

2. My job
Man, last year at this time, I had a job, but I hadn't started it yet. That was so awesome, because you don't have to waste any time looking for a job and you're not wasting any time on the actual job. Working really hinders blogging.

3. Haircut
Tomorrow night I'm getting a haircut; that is time that could be better spent blogging, unless something ridiculously funny or weird happens, in which case I can turn that into a blog entry.

4. Finishing "Middlemarch"
Look, I'm super anal-retentive and riddled with needless anxieties, with one of the most superfluous anxieties being the need to not be in the middle of a book at the end of the year. That way, I can make a clear break and distinguish 2008 as the year I read 15 books and 2009 as the year I read 18 books. Rather than saying 14 ½ and 18 ½ which is just too weird. I have several hundred pages left to go of Middlemarch, though. One entry is reserved to review it. Will I meet this goal? Will I waste valuable blogging time reading, or vice versa? Why oh why God is life so hard?

5. Commuting
Until I can figure out a way to type while driving, commuting is a waste of time, blog-wise. So my commute better not take a minute longer than normal this week or all hell will break loose.

6. Disease
If I get a cold, it would hamper my ability to finish 200 entries. Food poisoning would be even worse. But more devastating diseases could also occur and they will take up time because they require seeing a doctor and such, and it would take me awhile to even figure out where to go. And let's say I get a disease that makes all my fingers fall off, that would be detrimental. Unless I recover my abilities quick enough to make all the last entries very inspirational and moving. If I have to, I'll dictate them by blinking my eyes. EVEN IF I CAN TALK.

7. Shocking Death of a Celebrity
When a shocking death occurs, along the lines of your Tim Russert's or your Heath Ledger's, all I do is read things off the internet about that person. Even if I'm not that interested in them. So hopefully, there will be no shocking deaths in the next few days. And of course, hopefully nothing will happen to Barack Obama because I would completely shut down.

8. My new computer
My new computer kind of scares me! I talked about this last night! But I am not completely sure how it works and I have no time to figure that out because I have to BLOG!

9. My need to eat things
Man, why do I have to stop at periodic intervals and eat things? It takes so much time to figure out what I'm going to eat and then fix it and then eat it and then clean up after it. That time could be better spent BLOGGING.

10. Nothing interesting happens to me in the next 50 or so hours
This one is pretty likely. If nothing interesting happens, then it will be harder to blog without resorting to online personality quizzes. If you know me, then try to create an interesting situation for me, okay?

11. A natural disaster or snow occurs in Atlanta
Both of these things would surely eat up my time, as well as affect my commute.

12. Something awful happens to Blogger
What if I end up writing 13 entries and then I can't even post them due to some technological malfunction?

13. Identity theft
This seems to be time-consuming from what I understand.


Anonymous said...

Molly--Your readers love you. It is possible that they might be able to help you reach your goal of 200 blogs. Just throwing it out there....I've never blogged before, and anything I write couldn not possibly hold a candle to your abilities or innate humor, but family sticks together in tough times. Send out the bat signal and we'll be there!

Molly said...

Aww, what a sweet offer! The bat signal is pretty much always shining on my blog, as I always welcome the voice of guest bloggers. But George would say that I got myself into this mess because I was not always very diligent about posting throughout the year.