Sunday, December 14, 2008

Happy Monkey Day!

According to Wikipedia, today is something called "Monkey Day," an unofficial holiday to celebrate all simians. Apparently there's lots of costume parties and telling of monkey stories and maybe even community service projects to set free monkeys who are being held captive in research labs (I made up that last one).

Since monkey storytelling is a big part of this holiday, I tried to think of my favorite monkey story. Unfortunately I already wrote about my favorite monkey on this blog, back in 2007. But since it's an interesting anecdote, and because this post contains some of my best monkey art, please go back in time and read this entry again, if you like:

Also, I shouldn't have posted that picture of the monkey on Friday. That would have really been good for Monkey Day, and I've been kicking myself all day for not reading far enough ahead on Wikipedia to know this day was coming up. Luckily, I have another picture with a simian, because whenever I'm hanging out with my mom, I make her take pictures of me with large bears and/or monkeys. Today's Picture of the Day, as well as Friday's, were taken at an antique store in Decatur, GA. Some people look for antiques; I look for photo opportunities. With large fake animals.

Happy Monkey Day, everyone.


Anonymous said...

OK, I have a monkey story for you. Your Uncle Ken wanted a monkey when he was little (for Christmas I think). He had his heart set on one, and Kink and Papa actually had a man from the pet store come and explain to little Kenny why a monkey was a dirty animal and not the best pet. He still won't talk about it to this, later in life he did get two parakeets, whom he named Bud and Weiser, and they rode around on the temple pieces of his glasses, but that's a story for another day...perhaps the upcoming nuptials!

Molly said...

Barack Obama had a monkey growing up, when he lived in Indonesia.