Wednesday, December 31, 2008

paint by numbers

Since my life as of the last few days has been consumed with thoughts of how many blogs I have left to go, here are a few other numbers I thought of, to take my mind off the whole thing, as well as to lessen the number of blog entries left.

1:23 p.m. -- The time the boss said everyone could go home early, thus giving me more time to work on the blog

20 rolls for $13: The incredible deal I got at Target for the toilet paper I really like

183: The number of miles I'll be driving tomorrow, to go home before my cousin's wedding, if Google Maps is to be believed.

1385: miles to go before my next oil change.

108: Number of pages left in "Middlemarch" as of this writing.

10: The ideal number of days that a pellet will provide a fish food while you are away.

3: The number of days that the pellets I had to settle for today will provide fish food while I am away, and let me tell you, it really bothers me as a fish owner that pet stores don't keep the 10-day feeding pellets stocked better.

1: Number of times I heard the "Macarena" on the radio today.

3: Minutes spent debating whether that was a good sign or an ill omen of the world's imminent end.

15: Miles per hour that it seemed everyone was going on my drive home from work today.

9 ½ or 10: My shoe size, depending on the shoe.

4: Number of beers in my refrigerator right now.

1: Number of loads of laundry I need to do before I go home.

50: Number of unread magazines in my apartment right now, because in the past few months I've only had time to read magazines while exercising.

7: Number of magazines that I receive.

3: Ounces of nonflammable fluids that a person is allowed to take on an airplane in carry-on luggage.

2895: Emails saved in my Yahoo inbox

14555: Number of songs on my Ipod, which actually hasn't been updated in awhile.

4: Number of York Peppermint Patties I've eaten today

1: Inches I cut off my hair last night

15: Number of television shows I consider myself a regular watcher of (the full list cannot be released because there are a few embarrassing guilty pleasures on there)

4: How hungry I am on a scale of 1 to 10, if 1 meant not hungry at all and 10 meant starving.

10: number of candles in my apartment right now.

$25: My family's self-imposed spending limit for presents to each other

18: Frozen waffles I have left.

3: Number of frozen waffles I eat for breakfast.

3 or 4: Number of my old bus route in Seattle.

0: Number of trophies I received for playing softball the year that my dad was the coach, despite the fact that everyone who played at that age got a trophy.

45 but feels like 39: Current temperature in degrees Fahrenheith in Atlanta, if the Weather Channel's site is to be believed.

30: Number of things I felt I had to come up with for this entry so it wouldn't seem like a total throwaway blog

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