Wednesday, December 31, 2008

a doodled daydream....from the future!

Here's a scary thought.

This is how my mind works. Because I'm sick.

I was just making a promise to myself that I would never ever write so many blogs in one month again simply to meet an arbitrary goal. Rather, I was making the solemn vow that I would be diligent in posting to my blog throughout the year, so that I would never be in this position again. Instead, I would quite naturally just end at about 200 entries at the end of the year.

But then I had the thought that maybe I would be so diligent about posting that I would reach the 200 mark at say, October, and that I would be in this position again next year, except I would be blogging my ass off to reach 300 posts!

Like I said, I have the illness, in my head. That's just crazy talk.

OR IS IT????????

And then, just when my thoughts couldn't get any sicker, I thought, "But, hmmm. I'm out of seasonal centerpieces to photograph."

I must not allow myself to think such thoughts in my delirium.

But perhaps this is what 2009 could be like:
Molly: Pope, Barack Obama...this year I'm trying to get to 300 entries!
Pope: Why does this girl keep daydreaming of us, Barack?
Barack: Why is Molly wearing the same clothes as last year?

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