Monday, December 17, 2007

I answer BAM(H)'s questions about days of the week and weather

It is Day 2 of BAM(H)! POW! SOB! If you don't know what that is, scroll down and read all about the fun that will be taking place this week!

3. the Mondays: roots, history, and reality...and we don't mean the band
I didn’t even know there was a band called the Mondays! But if you Google the Mondays, they are the first result. If I were in a band like that, I would only want to play on Monday nights.

Anyways, I’m answering this question today because it is Monday. The name Monday comes from “moon.” If someone is saying Monday in a foreign language then it might come from their word for moon. It is typically the first day of the work week and the school week in most cultures, so people get kind of sad about going to work. They feel kind of blue. They might have “a case of the Mondays,” which was a phrase popularized by the film “Office Space.” Some cultures differ though on whether Monday is technically the first day of the week or whether Sunday is.

My experience is that I don’t really have too much extra trouble on Monday mornings. Maybe because I expect to be more tired out and my body adjusts accordingly. Personally, I have more difficulty with Tuesdays, because while Monday is a shock to the system, Tuesday is a bigger shock when you realize that you have to endure a few more days of this. Sometimes, though, sad things happen to me on Monday, and then I hate Mondays. For example, today I got to work and found out that Dan Fogelberg died yesterday. That’s pretty sad. It’s probably going to drag my week down.

On a somewhat related note, I don’t like how people call Wednesday “Hump Day.”

In 1968, the Uniform Monday Holiday Act was signed into law, which moved holidays such as Veterans Day and Memorial Day onto designated Mondays so that federal employees got more three-day weekends. Monday is also a day when football comes on.

If we were to take a look at the concept of Mondays in popular music, we might learn something. In the song, “Lady Madonna” by the Beatles, Monday’s child has learned to tie his bootlace, and then we can see how they run. The Bangles describe Mondays as “manic.” In the Jimmy Buffett song “Come Monday,” Monday is seen as a hopeful day, because that is the day when “it will be alright.” The Carpenters equate Mondays with rainy days as the two kinds of days that will get you down. The Cure doesn’t care if Monday is blue, or black, or if it makes you fall apart or hold your head, because Friday is sort of a big day for them.

Perhaps no one has done as much disservice to Monday as the Mamas and the Papas, with their song “Monday, Monday.” Mondays leave them crying a lot. Monday is a day that you can’t trust. I guess the misunderstanding came about because originally Monday was a day that was very good to them, but then Monday let them down, and now every other day (every other day!), every other day of the week is fine, yeah.

4. It is December was 75 degrees today
It was December 10, a beautiful, warm day, when BAM(H)! sent me this list. My only comment on that, BAM(H), was that that was an awesome day. Now it is cold and unpleasant and it has been spitting snow and raining. Do you like that? Do you need “cold” to be in the Christmas spirit? I don’t. I wish it was another 75 degree day.

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