Monday, December 31, 2007

Blog Year #1 Wrap-up

Well, we’re finally up to the 200th entry of the blog, as well as the last entry of 2007. It’s been a big year for the blog, and a big year for me. A year ago, I wouldn’t have been able to predict any of the things that ended up happening, which I guess just goes to show…something profound. Fill in the blank yourself.

When I started this blog, I lived in Seattle. Over the course of the last year, I made the decision to pick up my life there and try something new. It was probably one of the hardest decisions I’ve ever made in my life, to pick up and pack up three years of life for the unknown. I quit my first real job. I had to say goodbye to a beautiful city and some good friends, but I’m glad that I knew when it was time to go.

I entertained about a million different options for where to go next, and to even my own surprise, I’m moving to Atlanta in twelve days. Atlanta was a very late entry in the “where should I move?” contest, and hopefully the fact that I got a job about a month after I started applying there is something of a sign that I picked the right place.

What else? I drove cross-country. I went to seven states that I’d never been to before. I left the country once (Canada). I saw the Grand Canyon. I lived with my parents for two months. My brother got married. My grandmother died. I sprained my knee and got new glasses. I read 32 books and approximately 150 magazines. I watched 79 movies. I went to concerts. I went to parties. I met the governor of Washington. I turned 25. I bought a car. I worked at my dad’s law office answering phones. I went on two job interviews and got the second one.

When the blog started, only one person knew about it, and it was mostly just things I ate or drank, spam emails that I thought were funny, and books I read. Now it is oh-so-much more than that. I watched who-knows-how-many Bryan Adams videos and wrote ten stories about goats dying. There were two special guest bloggers and a special event week called BAM(H)! POW! SOB! At one point, I posted once a day for 47 days in a row, but you can’t tell anymore since I moved the blog over from pacific time to eastern time.

So, yes, a big year. A year that I thought would be fairly stable ended up being pretty dramatic, so it’s hard to say what next year will bring. Obviously, it’s a new beginning, but how that will actually shake out, it’s hard to say. But anyway, the blog is coming along for the journey, so be sure to check back next year.

Happy new year, everyone!

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