Monday, December 31, 2007

weird stuff in my room

Are you sick of all the posts today? I'm getting kind of sick of myself. But look how close we are to 200 posts for the year! This is post 199! Except I don't really have any interesting observations left. So I took a few pictures of weird stuff in my room and we're going to have a look at those. Look, I am a huge packrat, and living with my parents in the house in which I grew up, I am surrounded by the weird things that my youthful pack rat self wanted to keep. Now I probably won't want to throw these things away either, now that I've blogged about them. Sorry Mom.

Item #1: Millenium Countdown Socks

I believe I received these for Christmas 1999. January 1, 2000, was right around the corner, and clearly everyone wanted to celebrate with some festive socks. I don't think I ever wore these socks. But now I can't throw them away because they seem like a collector's item of some type.

Item #2: Elementary School Work

I know that it's perfectly acceptable to keep little stories and artwork from one's kindegarten years, but what you see at left is some school work where I was learning how to write and add one-digit numbers. I should mention that what you see is a very small sample of what I actually kept. I know there is really no time in the future when I am going to want to look back and see how I first figured out that 3 and 4 made 7, but I just can't throw this stuff away. You know why? Because what if there is a museum about me one day? They will definitely need this stuff!

Item #3: Ceramic Aerobics Pig
I acquired ceramic aerobics pig in elementary school. We had this little class store, where you bought little trinkets with tickets you earned by being good and doing well on assignments. I had a ton of tickets, but unfortunately, the stuff in the store was kind of crappy, because parents were just supposed to bring in things to donate to the store. Well, this was the only thing that I even remotely liked, but this girl Katie wanted it too because it reminded her of her pregnant sister. But I had way more tickets than Katie so I got it. I wish that I had just refused it gracefully and thrown my tickets away, because really what did it matter---but instead I got the ceramic aerobics pig and now I'll probably never be able to throw it away because I feel so guilty for stealing it from Katie, who probably would have done something nice and given it to her sister. Oh well.

Other items that easily could have been photographed for this post, had I been able to find them, include a bag with every scrunchie I ever owned, a chest with literally every greeting card I've ever received, and the box of souvenir pencils that I bought on vacations when I was a kid. I never sharpened any of them, because, you know, they were souvenirs.

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