Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Christmas present

I hope everyone had a very merry Christmas. I got everything I wanted, including some things that I didn't know that I wanted, but am now very glad to have.

My brother George gave me the book "Blogging for Dummies," which is either a comment on what he thinks about me, or what he thinks about my blog. Anyways, next year promises to be a very big year, as I try to implement some things from the book.

George told me that he didn't like posts where I just put photos, so hopefully I can write enough about these photos that he will consider it a real post.

Here I am with my brothers and the book.

George: Here is a concept explained in very easy terms, since you are such a dummy.
Molly: Hmmm. I am thinking about it. I can't say I understand.

George: Why don't you understand? Do I have to explain everything?
Molly: Your shirt is very red!

Sorry, I am not very good at writing captions for photographs. I had to do it at my last job, and I was pretty famous for not doing it well.

We had time to do this photo shoot when it was discovered that the prime rib that we thought had been cooking for two hours had actually been sitting in a cold oven for two hours. Someone who I will not name, but he is one of my parents and not the one who is my mother, forgot to turn the oven on.

And as if to punish me for mocking this book, I have had a very hard time formatting this post. I wish I had brought the book with me. Hopefully it shows up okay.


Catharine said...

I can't remember what I used to do with my time before I learned about this blog. Now I'm addicted! Thank goodness my sister -- known to readers of this blog as one half of BAM(H)! -- sent me the URL so I could see how nice she and Brad look as superheroes. I'm glad to hear that you all had a merry Christmas -- despite the long wait for the prime rib. Congrats on the new job!

Anonymous said...

Get back to work, Catharine!

Molly said...

Catharine---could you email me your new email address? All I have is your old work email. Or maybe Mary Henry could do it. Or maybe Suzanne could do it. If you don't have my email address one of those two has it.

I am glad that the whole side of that family reads the blog now!