Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Why no blogs? # 12

Okay, that last entry was a lie. Here is why there have been no blogs since November 4. My fish Alvin has severe emotional problems and I have had to expend a great deal of effort and time to care for him. He has a fear of abandonment and he thinks I am poisoning his food, so pretty much every time I feed him I have to spend an hour just talking him down from a metaphorical ledge. And whenever I come back from work, I have to spend three hours just making him feel secure again. This is on top of regular fish owning chores such as changing his water, playing his favorite songs at bedtime and worrying about whether I'll come home to find him dead. Having a fish takes a whole lot of time, probably more time than having a kid even. So that's why there have been no blogs for the past 14 days.

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