Thursday, August 16, 2007

I do not feel good

Possible causes for my current headache, which I would describe as "splitting" (I mean, it's been awhile since I literally thought my head might split in two, but I would say I am about there now):
--the sides of my brain are fighting a civil war, and one side is trying to pull away from the other.
--regret for times gone by
--little children who have been given pick-axes are running around in there
--I clench my jaw too much
--someone has made a voodoo doll of me and is sticking all the pins in the head
--I can read Lord Voldemort's mind (ala Harry Potter)
--stress over my job and my life
--my ponytail is too tight
--the angels are bowling in there (although I think that explains thunder)
--accidentally hitting myself over and over with a frying pan while making breakfast this morning (that one's a trick because I don't cook!)
--a gang beating that I do not remember

That's all I got. I was caught in a moral dilemma this evening, because I do not like blogs that complain. But I am also trying to blog every day in August. But I can barely see because of my head. I can only hope that this list will suffice.

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