Sunday, February 24, 2008

Hour 4--It wasn't a full hour, thank goodness

Hour 4 is starting off with a bang—Best Actor. By the way, I haven’t really written about these, but as you can guess from my love of montage, I am truly enjoying these montages of the people who have won the award that immediately precedes the giving of the award. Who didn’t cry when it flashbacked to Steven Spielberg winning for “Schindler’s List”? And his mom was crying? Oh my.

I said it before, but Helen Mirren looks great. I like the dress.

How have I managed to get ballpoint pen all over myself?

Daniel Day Lewis wins. It would have been nice to have seen any of them up there, but DDL was very gracious.

Oh my goodness, it’s twenty to twelve and I have to go to work tomorrow. I will say that the one thing, the only thing, that I miss about Pacific time is that they show the Oscars starting at 5 pm, and it ends at a reasonable time. It’s hard to watch these on Eastern time.

Man, remember last year when Martin Scorsese won Best Director, and it was presented to him by the trio of great directors that he was friends with? How awkward would it have been if he hadn’t won, with all his friends up there? That would be so mortifying that I don’t think I would be over it if it had come true, even a year later.

Can you imagine being the uncreative Coen sibling? Oh, did I already say that? It’s late. I’m tired.

Here we go, Denzel. Bring us home. Well, with Best Picture announced, I can tell you the winner of my Oscar Party Pool. It was me! Hooray for me!
Pope John Paul II—4
John Steinbeck—3
Frog & Cheerleader—1
Barnabas Bear—4
Abraham Lincoln—6

Well, and that was the Oscars for 2008. Join us again next year, or maybe just tomorrow if I think of something else I want to say about award shows.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i am worried that your friends are all inanimate objects...