Wednesday, January 10, 2007

C'mon let's be friends

One of the original ideas for this blog was to discuss beverages that I consumed in the course of my day. If you know me at all, you know that I love to consume liquid calories, and while food in my apartment is hit-and-miss, my fridge is usually full of various things to drink.

So today I had three different coffees. I am lucky to be alive because two is enough to give me the jitters and the caffeine nausea.
1. No-whip non-fat mocha, circa 8 am----For a long time I resisted changing the milk in a morning mocha, because in drinking a mocha, I was already admitting that I liked chocolate and was likely leading an unhealthy lifestyle. Could whole milk and whipped cream really be that bad to add? Well, apparently, yes. You gotta change the milk and hope the Starbucks people don't judge you too much.
2. Sugarfree cinnamon dolce latte, circa 10:45 am (I was still very tired and could barely keep my eyes open)---This is the current Starbucks specialty beverage. The cinnamon was a little much for me, too sweet. It is hard to imagine how it might taste if it hadn't been the sugarfree syrup. I think if I am going to consume that much cinnamon, then it should be a bowl of Cinnamon Toast Crunch.
3. Vanilla latte, circa 6:30 pm---Tonight was bev night, so Matthew and I met for some bevs, as is our custom. I will probably explain this tradition more later. We went to Uptown Espresso in Queen Anne and had vanilla lattes, and worked on Matthew's short story. This might have been my favorite coffee of the day, although probably not a good idea to drink it right after going to the gym. Which is what I did. Uptown Espresso is the home of the velvet foam.

Other beverages I consumed today include orange juice, Diet Coke, and water. Tonight, though, waiting in the mail, was my Group Health insurance magazine. The lead article was how bad it is to drink beverages that are not water (especially in winter, when so many are drawn to hot chocolates, ciders, etc). That made me feel just great.

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