Monday, January 15, 2007

Book #3: King Dork

The book: King Dork by Frank Portman

What is this book about: This book is about a 14-year-old social misfit, who will go to great lengths to describe why he is a misfit. Over the course of reading The Catcher in the Rye for class and creating humorous bands with his friend Sam, he solves mysteries about his dead dad, girls, life, and literature.

Why did I read this book: Because I read several good reviews of this book last year, and it made it onto a few top-ten books of the year lists.

What did I think of this book: This book was pretty clever. It probably could have been about 50 pages shorter, as the main character repeated himself quite a bit. Although this book is ostensibly a young adult book, it's more for hip mid-twenties folks like myself. I found the main character to be fairly unlikable for most of the book. You kind of understand why he's a social misfit, but then you feel bad that you've labeled him as such, because he is rebelling against society and why can't you see that?!?!?

What was my favorite part of this book: There's a code-cracking scene that made me laugh right out loud (which then went straight into a coughing fit, because I have a bad cough right now, but I tried to laugh through the coughing)

What did I learn from this book: Let's say about half of the descriptions of high school in this book are plausible and happen in real-life to kids. If so, I learned that I had an absolutely magical and wonderful high school experience.

What grade do I give this book: B-

1 comment:

Molly said...

Matthew, of course you can comment, although it is still kind of a secret blog. Plus I have already mentioned you by name, so you deserve commenting rights, since you are probably the one person whose name and identity will not be protected. Sorry.