Tuesday, September 25, 2007

I'm not dead, I'm just moving

Well, I am sad that I have abandoned the blog for so long, but I ran out of ways to make mailing boxes interesting. I think I am in the last stretches of the big move, though...if only because the enforced end is less than a week away. The major obstacle at this point is that people keep saying, "oh yeah, I'll buy your furniture," and then these people never show up. It's no secret that Craig's list is full of flakes, but c'mon, you people are giving crazy a bad name. Maybe once this ordeal is over, and I'm far away from these loons, I'll copy and paste some of the priceless emails I've accumulated.

I'm a huge packrat, but I'm trying to rip off the band-aid and throw a lot away. Here's a list of some of the random stuff that I've thrown away in the last week. It might not look like much to you, but these are things that I would have hung on to forever if I wasn't moving away in just my little Camry.

--My first bus pass paid for by my company (about two years expired)

--Paperwork from when my car got towed, because of a misleading sign (I thought the space belonged to our apartment building, but it was the building next door). According to the paperwork, I was towed about 45 minutes after I parked there, proving that there is a landlord who's a bigger asshole than my landlord. Well, I guess if that person were your landlord, you'd be grateful that they fought for your parking, but as a person who made a mistake, I thought that towing me was excessive. I guess that sounds whiny. I don't like people who think that they shouldn't be held accountable for their actions, and I did technically park wrong. But 45 minutes and then towing? It just seemed excessive at the time.

--My Gap, Inc. discount card, which I think I was holding on to because I was impressed by how thick the sticker bar was (every two weeks, they give you a different bar code sticker to scan, to prevent former employees from trying to scam the company), although that's not so much an impressive thing as a sad thing, because a thick bar of stickers just means you worked there for far too long. It should be said, I could not bring myself to throw away any memos that store management sent out, because if I didn't keep the evidence, I might not believe my memories of how ridiculous that place was.

--Engagement notices for people from my high school, from my hometown paper, that my mother mailed to me.

--The paperwork from when I knocked my driver's side mirror off my car, on the garage of my first apartment building. That happened right after I had started temping, about three years ago, and I had those first few paychecks under my belt. I thought I'd get something fun, but instead I had to get a new driver's side mirror. I learned a valuable lesson in driving responsibly.

--All the paperwork from the hospital when I sprained my knee. I thought it would be cool to have the thing that shows I was admitted to urgent care, but no, I don't find that cool now that I have to think about moving it.

--My jury summons...man that was cool.

--The paper copy of my Washington driver's licence that they give you while you wait for your real one to come in the mail.

--Rome bus tickets. I was in Rome in 2003. How bus tickets from Rome made it to Seattle, I have no idea.

--Speaking of things from Rome....before I went to Rome, I made MP3 cd's of all the music I owned, but because it burned funny, it was in a weird order. So over the semester that I was there, I wrote down all the tracks on all those CD's. Probably like 200 songs on 20 CD's or something. It was a lot of anal-retentive work, but really useful for when you needed to hear a specific song right away. But now I've upgraded to Ipod and other MP3 CD's, so I threw away all that work (well, I recycled it)

--Old horoscopes that still seem profound to me today.

--Business cards from anyone who ever interviewed me in Seattle.

--Address labels that some charity sent to me, hoping for a donation, but they showed me as "Mrs." I couldn't use them, because it seemed to weird, but they just looked to weird to throw away. Til yesterday. Then I got over it.

However, all these things will live on now that I've blogged about them.

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