Sunday, September 16, 2007

Emmys pre-show

Have you heard of this thing called live blogging? All the hip bloggers do it, so I will live blog the Emmys (while I pack boxes). I won't keep pushing "post" though, because really, I'm watching the Emmys three hours after they happen, so it's not even like it matters. I just love award shows, and I love celebrities, and I'm drinking wine, so I think it's a good night to blog.

So right now I am watching E! for the pre-show, which is always a nice mix of awkward and uncomfortable. It's ideal if the interviewers have no idea who they are talking to.

Man! I just want to date a celebrity so I can go to award shows!

Ryan Seacrest just gave a shout-out to the designers that he's wearing and then said that Varsity Blues is one of his favorite movies of all-time.

E! has a stiletto cam. Dumb.

Right now Jon Stewart is being interviewed about hosting the Oscars. That's so far away! Why did they announce it so early? We have to get through Christmas before we can even think about the Oscars! It's the equivalent of putting Halloween candy out in January.

I want to find out how to do my hair like Tina Fey has her hair right now.

Hayden Panettisomething's dress makes her look a little pregnant.

Eva Longoria said that the mark of a good purse is whether a Blackberry fits. Make a note.

My archenemy Jennifer Love Hewitt is on. Oh I do not like her. I do not think that being on the Ghost Whisperer is an excuse to come to the Emmys.

Kate Walsh seems a little drugged and I don't understand why she agreed to wear her hair like that (drugs?)

Oh CRAP in a sign that I might have had too much wine, I just spilled wine on an unboxed pile of books. That is not going to smell good after it's been in the mail.

Did my boyfriend John Krasinski just arrive with a pregnant woman? I bet it's his sister or something.

Oh hooray! He just told E! that it's his agent. Whew.

Should I get into "House"? It gets great reviews and that Hugh Laurie seems so charming. But I feel like I have enough shows to watch.

Vanessa Williams' beauty secrets are "moisture, moisture, moisture" and working out a lot. She is wearing something that looks like feathers.

Only 30 minutes left until the Emmys, pacific coast time!! Can you handle it?

Ryan Seacrest is alleging that he does not know if Britney Spears will be on the show. Hmm.

Yeah! Neil Patrick Harris! He was one of my first celebrity crushes. From his Doogie Howser days. Now we have a platonic love, since he came out as gay. "How I Met Your Mother" is a great show.

Heidi Klum and Seal? What's the deal? One time Matthew and I hypothesized that Seal made a deal with a devil, that he had to be disfigured, but he could marry Heidi Klum.

"Can you rock our stiletto cam? Do you mind?"

I like Ellen Pompeo, but I am not loving her dress, hair or jewelry.

Okay! Time to switch to the Emmys!!!!

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