Friday, September 14, 2007

moving tips of the day

--About a month before the move, line up all your grooming products, such as lotions, gels, etc. Increase your use of these products so that you don't have to move the bottles. Yes, this might lead to such things as too much hair gel, or exceedingly soft hands (I'm using a lot of hand lotion these days), but you will feel never feel so much satisfaction in throwing out an empty container.

--If you're at work, cleaning your desk up a bit, and you have some old papers, and you're not quite sure whether to recycle, or to give it to someone else, I say recycle it. You'll be long gone by the time they figure out they might need it, and you won't have to deal with it.

--Accept that the perfect-sized moving box just hasn't been invented.

--Two-part tip: Part One: Don't feel bad for not thinking up good content for your blog. Part Two: Don't make a personal pledge to update a blog everyday.

--Never buy books. You might have to move them one day and then you'll regret it.

--Actually, just never buy anything, no matter how long you think you might live in a place. It will only cause trouble later.

--You can never use too much packing tape.

--If your apartment is getting shown to a lot of potential renters, and you've hidden some of your stuff around the apartment so that no one sees it, it's best to make a list of places where things are hidden. Also, if you happened to hide a lot of things in your laundry basket, underneath the clothes, don't try to pick up the laundry basket like it just has clothes in it. Particularly if that's where you hid the heavy stuff. This will break the laundry basket.

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