Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Bumbershoot, Day the Third

Today was the third and final day of Bumbershoot. You will have to bear with me on this entry, as I am so so so tired.

Today was my long day of work (8 hours) so I don't have as much music stuff to report. On the work side, I would just like to say that our booth was located near the King County Republicans booth. If I could, a word to my fellow Democrats---yelling out obscenities and being assholes to a few Republicans working a festival booth doesn't really make Democrats look that much more civilized. I don't agree with them anymore than you do but let's not act like monkeys. Being an asshole never changed anyone's mind. Let's lead by example.

Now that I have brought about bipartisanship through blogging, it's time for the music roundup. I sneaked away from work for awhile to watch Allison Moorer, who's a country singer who's never gotten quite as famous as critics have said she should. She's probably more famous for being the younger sister of Shelby Lynne and the new wife of Steve Earle. To be perfectly honest, I have never really fallen in love with any of her cd's and she can make my attention wander. But she was really quite compelling live and I'll have to give her another listen. It was just her and a guitar. I didn't even get distracted by the sight of Steve Earle walking around in the off-stage area (he eventually came on-stage to sing Pete Seeger's 'Where Have All the Flowers Gone?')

After work I watched the Frames. They are from Ireland, and the guy from the Frames was in the movie Once, which I haven't seen, but I want to.

Then I settled in with an onion burger to watch the hardcore troubadour himself, Steve Earle. Simply amazing. He played a lot from his new album, which comes out later this month, and it sounded fantastic. His "band" was a DJ, and there's a lot to be said for a song that's anchored by a DJ providing the beat and Steve on the banjo. Anyways. There were the political rants that you'd expect from Steve Earle these days, as well as some nice love songs with Allison Moorer. Ultimately, he said he is an optimist, and doesn't want to have to have political songs. He talked about how years ago the raptors were almost extinct, and now there's third generation raptors flying in Central Park. And how that should give all of us hope. I think. I'm really tired.

And that was the end of Bumbershoot. My legs and feet have lost all feeling and I'm a little worried about my ability to get up for work in 6 hours, but oh well. While I was writing this there was a gigantic roll of thunder and the rain started (coincidentally, I am listening to "The Rain Came Down" by Steve Earle, and I was like, is this a sound effect I don't remember?). I am just grateful to whomever can control such things that the rain didn't start til an hour after Bumbershoot ended.

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