Monday, March 5, 2007

Released from the Disney vault

This weekend I've been cleaning out my closet, and cleaning out my email. Here is some tasty spam:

From: Floyd E. Rodney
Subject: rootless crestfallen
Don't be so sad, Floyd E. Rodney.

From: Farley
Subject: bravo windshield wiper
See, windshield wipers ARE really awesome, and they definitely don't get the props they deserve.

From: Mcpherson
Subject: St. default
Sounds like a mediocre saint at best, who doesn't do much except leave things the way they are at the start.

From: spokesman
Subject: mystifying circus
Just think about what a mystifying circus might involve. Pretty cool, huh?

From: Orlando Norton
Subject: Go fictitious or redden
Good writing advice.

From: psycho
Subject: cardigan
Taken separately, this spam might not be much, but put the sender and the subject together, and you have a great band name. Psycho Cardigan. Awesome.

From: Roberson Win
Subject: How would you write a GUI toolkit in a language, where everything, in effect, is an argument?
Questions like this are what I thought college would be like.

From: mollymchughsmith
Subject: treacherous clodhopper
I think we all know how much I love spam with my own name in it. Mollymchughsmith is probably a great nickname for me, if anyone is looking for one. Stay away from the treacherous clodhoppers. Also, a good band name.

From: Carlene Murray
Subject: Sucks huh
I was having a bad day when I got this, so the answer was yep.

From: Morrison Lesley
Subject: That's not the kind of attention a farmer craves.
Sadly, Morrison is suspiciously quiet on exactly what kind of attention a farmer craves.

From: Betsey Vaughan
Subject: beer dictionary
I know there are beer encyclopedias and lots of books about beer, but still, as soon as I saw this subject line, I thought, "hey, I need a beer dictionary." Preferably pocket-sized. See, this one time, I was in a place trying to decide what kind of beer to have, and one beer was described according to its fuggles. What the fuggle are fuggles, I wondered. Turns out they are a kind of hop, noted for their juicy, woody flavor. But I wouldn't know that til many hours later, when I could get to Wikipedia.

From: Sally
Subject: The clatter and grind of new construction resonates on every corner.
I just liked the descriptiveness of this sentence.

From: Simeon Bowman
Subject: Sign up right now and you'll get a free copy of my "Insider's Guide to Blogging" ebook too!
This sounds like a book that I kinda need, to improve my blog. Although step one to improving one's blog is probably telling one's friends that one has a blog.

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