Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Book #9: Alternadad

The book: Alternadad by Neal Pollack

What is this book about: Neal Pollack has a baby and presents how his world changes, or how he tries to keep it from changing, because he was so "cool" beforehand.

Why did I read this book: I have read other Neal Pollack books and enjoyed them. This book got a fair amount of press. I needed something light to break up the other book I am reading (A Tale of Two Cities) during Miracle Healing Weekend.

What did I think of this book: The book was a little frustrating because we have to take Neal's word for the concept that he is "alternative." The best I can tell, alternative means only making a little bit of money, because you want to be an artist, and complaining about it all the time and still buying lots of organic groceries. Also, smoking pot and going to lots of concerts. I think if the book had even just been titled something dumber, like, "whoa, I have a kid," it would have been a better set-up, because it's not like we're presented with someone who's really alternative and has to change. He's willing to change pretty quickly and do fairly organized things like develop birthing plans and have arguments about circumcision. But there are some funny things.

What was my favorite part of this book: Whenever the kid did something cute. But really, don't all kids do cute things? We never get a sense of what sets this family apart from other contemporary families.

What did I learn from this book: Everything about how thirtysomething men think, and that babies do cute things.

What grade do I give this book: C+

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