Sunday, March 18, 2007

I finished the magic pizza for lunch today

Since I last wrote, Miracle Healing Weekend has been going grrreat! I have done lots of reading, watched Nacho Libre and Saturday Night Live, ate chocolate-covered strawberries, iced AND heated the knee, etc. The kind of thrilling lifestyle one leads when one is undergoing a Miracle Healing Weekend; I am sure it is very similar to living in an ashram or attending a spiritual retreat.

Anyways, the big event of today was my knee popping. At first there was very bad pain and I thought that things were suddenly worse, but now it appears to be better....I can walk, bend, sit, with pain in only one spot right now. It is a big improvement.

In celebration, let's do some spam, the Miracle Healing Weekend edition:

From: Santiago Y. Philip
Subject: Nothing gets people motivated to exercise like seeing their position on the board slip as others get out there and work up a sweat!
Tell me about it, Santiago! I would actually kill to be able to do some exercise right now, but I have not been able to do anything except lay around. Now, that might sound ideal to some people, but I honestly do enjoy exercise, and I've done enough lying around, as evidenced by my bed sores.

Here are some physical activities that are motivating me to get better:
-Sitting down without major exertion
-Playing soccer
-The elliptical machines with the DVD players at the gym
-Skiing (just checking to see if you are still reading)

From: Diaz
Subject: For how to use it: start with a hand on each grip and kneel down with both knees together on the floor.
I got this one on a day when I was feeling particularly sorry for myself, and it was so out of the realm of remote possibility, that I nearly cried.

From: Eddie Torres
Subject: Can't find high-property prescriptions?
Normally, spam about prescription drugs is a dime a dozen. But when you're nursing a sprained knee with nothing more than Advil, you start to pay a little more attention to them.

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