Monday, June 25, 2007

Book #15: Shopaholic & Baby

The book: Shopaholic & Baby by Sophie Kinsella

What is this book about: This book continues the adventures of Becky Bloomwood, previously documented in Confessions of a Shopaholic, Shopaholic Takes Manhattan, Shopaholic Ties the Knot, and Shopaholic and Sister. In this book, Becky is pregnant and is dealing with shopping of course, and also the fact that her obstetrician is her husband's ex-girlfriend.

Why did I read this book: Because the Shopaholic series is my guilty pleasure.

What did I think of this book: Overall it was good. There were a few times that I wished that something in Becky's life could just be simple, and she could avoid so many Amelia Bedelia kinds of blunders and embarassments. But that wouldn't make for a very good fictional character, I guess. There was a whole lotta suspense in this one, because it seems that Becky's husband might be having an affair with the above-mentioned obstetrician. I don't know how much further this concept can be stretched...although, despite the title, Becky is pregnant the entire book, so the next book can actually be about shopping with ethe baby, I suppose.

What was my favorite part of this book: The obstetrician was really bitchy, so there were some good scenes there. Becky gets to have the kinds of confrontations that I wish I could have all the time, and in this book, they were particularly satisfying because she gets to say everything the way the reader wants her to say it.

What did I learn from this book: 1. Never trust ex-girlfriends. 2. Everything will turn out perfectly if your name is Becky Bloomwood, even if it seems like things are going to crash down on you for 300 pages.

What grade do I give this book: B+ (and I realize it's a little embarassing that I'm giving a Shopaholic book a higher grade than some of the other, more mature things I've read. But that just goes to show, do not underestimate the power of good chick lit)

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