Friday, June 15, 2007

Sleep Sandwich

Two of my most trusted sources of information include the internet and the public library. Tonight I was using the internet to look up stuff in the library, and I asked the library search engine the question that I ask most people these days, which is "where should I live?" I guess I was hoping that I would get something like a catalogue of towns and I could pick one out and then order me up a job or something.

Rather, I got these 9 results, and now I have even less of an idea of what I am supposed to do:

1. How to set his thighs on fire: 86 red-hot lessons on love, life, men & (especially) sex, by Kate White
Obviously I was a bit surprised that this was the very first result. Turns out that my question made up some key words in chapter titles:
--5 other spots where a guy loves to be touched
--How soon before you should sleep with him//You really should take what a guy says literally
--The best tip I got from a Hollywood stylist
--Live five feet ahead of yourself

This book also has these chapters, unrelated to my question but interesting looking all the same:
--To knock someone's socks off, rent a herd of buffalo
--Discover the thrill of no pantyhose
--How to look as sexy as JLo
--Why you need to drain the swamp as you slay the alligators
--When you need to strut your stuff, wear stilettos
--How to get awesome cleavage
--Think like a bitch but talk as sweet as bambi

I don't know, now that I'm looking at the rest of the chapters, I might really want to read this book. Maybe it does answer all my questions. But back to the library results:

2. How to retire happy: the 12 most important decisions you must make before you retire by Stan Hinden
While somewhat relevant, about 40ish years ahead of its time

3. My Lives by Billy Joel (sound recording)
This one popped up for the same reasons that #1 did, but I must stop and question if Billy Joel music does answer my question. Is the answer Long Island? Billy Joel has a lot of songs about Long Island. Am I in a New York state of mind? Other locales mentioned in Billy Joel songs: Vienna, Saigon, Leningrad, China, Miami (in the year 2017), Hollywood, Scandinavia, Zanzibar. Perhaps they sell homes along the River of Dreams. Am I an uptown girl? Is it still rock and roll to me? Clearly I have a lot to think about.

4. Live long & prosper! invest in your happiness, health, and wealth for retirement and beyond by Steven Vernon
See #2. I just can't read a book with retirement in the title.

5. Hotel by Moby (sound recording)
Should I live in a hotel?

6. Let's get it on by Marvin Gaye (sound recording)
Why did I get so many results about getting it on when I asked where I should live? I guess you should live where you can get it on. Hmm.

7. A night out with Verve (sound recording)

8. Live on by Kenny Wayne Shepherd Band (sound recording)
Good advice nonetheless

9. The portable Thoreau, edited and with an introduction by Carl Bode
If this book provides the answer, I'm guessing that I live in a cabin that's just a few miles from town, but make it seem like it's in the wilderness. I don't pay my taxes. I become a cranky hermit and just read and write a lot.

Well actually I guess that is what I want to do. So the library comes through again!

I was just googling Henry David Thoreau, and read that one of his first memories was of "looking through the stars to see if I could see God behind them." Very cute, tiny Henry David Thoreau.

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