Sunday, May 3, 2009

Pickle Spaghetti, a poem

Last night I dreamt I invented a recipe
It was called pickle spaghetti.
The ingredients were pickle relish and spaghetti.
It was pretty damn good.

When I woke up, I got on the internet
And I googled “pickle spaghetti.”
Apparently it doesn’t exist
So I guess I really did invent it.

Now that I think about it – here’s something that would be really good:
Get a tubular pasta,
Like cannelloni
Or manicotti
Or penne
Rigatoni and ziti would also work.
Stuff the pickle relish INSIDE the tubes.
Put pesto or something green on top.
Then you have spaghetti that looks like a pickle
And tastes like a pickle.
Man, that would be wild.

I wrote this in poem form
Because from what I can tell
Poetry is words and sentences that become profound
When they are broken up into many lines.
And when there are words, incongruous words
Jumbled together for no apparent reason
It is also profound.
So, for that reason, I say to you:
Pickle spaghetti.


donaldh said...

No, pickle spaghetti was invented in the Trinity Alps in 1989; by a punk kid who as revenge dumped pickle juice into the cook's spaghetti sauce.

donaldh said...

And it wasn't good spaghetti.