Sunday, February 1, 2009

Technology: good or evil?

I haven’t blogged in a few days, as you may have noticed. It’s because I’ve been having a very hard time with technology as of late. My work computer basically exploded and I didn’t want to take any chances with my home computer. Plus, all I had to talk about was how much I hated technology, which seemed sort of awkward to discuss on a blog. Because blogs depend on technology.

But this weekend, my brother George and my sister-in-law Courtney came to visit me in Atlanta. I figured that George would provide a counterpoint to my technology emotions, because he recently bit the bullet and got a Blackberry and he loves it. In fact, he even told me at one point about how he might do a guest blog about how much he loves his Blackberry.

But after this weekend, that post might be a little longer in coming. George almost threw his Blackberry out the car window on Friday. In preparation for the drive down to Atlanta, they had put Mapquest directions on the device, and had done extensive Atlanta research about attractions. Having loaded the Blackberry with directions, ideas and their dreams, they headed off on Friday morning, hoping to be in Atlanta in time to go to the aquarium while I was at work.

However, only 20 minutes into the trip, they began to question the directions that the Internet had given them. Apparently the highway they were on had at least five names. An hour later, things were even more dire, when they pulled off to the side of the road and were utterly failed by technology. Neither Blackberry nor cell phone nor laptop loaded with Verizon Wireless card could give them directions. They questioned man’s dependence on technology, and they questioned whether they had it in them to avoid a homicide-suicide scenario. Perhaps you think I’m exaggerating, but I can’t tell you how many times George mentioned the words “homicide-suicide” later that night.

After driving for three hours yet barely making a dent on the map, they finally got pointed in the right direction, via the low-tech method of calling one’s parents. Shaken, they went to Burger King and Starbucks to recover. Important to note: though technology had screwed them over so badly, they still used a laptop and a Nintendo DS while replenishing themselves with iced coffees. So they are quick to forgive, probably a good trait for married people.

After seven hours on the road, they finally reached Atlanta, which is only about four hours away. They met me, and of course I was anti-technology. But the night’s events didn’t require any technology. We went to the Sweetwater Brewery and enjoyed many delicious hoppy and malty beverages, which have been around since time began, no fancy technology needed. Then we went to George’s, which has the most delicious hamburgers in Atlanta and doesn’t need no stinkin’ technology to make them. Then we went to bars, and drank, and didn’t need any internet advice on how to do that, though perhaps George and I should have reviewed some online rules about whether liquor or beer should be consumed first. We did watch some television, though I don’t think that can even be considered technology anymore, because it’s not like I have high-def or HD tv (though I am covered under the analog switch, thank God. George just went on a rant about those commercials. Commercials represent evil technology).

However, as the weekend went on, we couldn’t deny that we did rely on technology to have fun and receive useful information. For example, George took photos throughout the weekend which we uploaded to Facebook via his Blackberry, so that’s a nice little documentation of our time together. Additionally, we decided to eat at the most delicious Chinese restaurant the other night, which we never would have found without the help of online reviews supported by the ability to view menus online. That really facilitated the choice between Chinese and Japanese cuisine. We enjoyed electricity. We had philosophical conversation about what technology even means. We’re blogging. I have the luxury of writing this from my air mattress because of wireless internet. So perhaps we shouldn’t write off technology just yet. But just know, technology, that I have my eye on you.


Anonymous said...

Next time we visit, we could go camping and really question technology. However, we couldn't upload pictures of the trip till we got back and hooked up our digital cameras.


(This comment sent via blackberry)

Anonymous said...

Next time we visit, we could go camping and really question technology. However, we couldn't upload pictures of the trip till we got back and hooked up our digital cameras.


(This comment sent via blackberry)

Anonymous said...

Fuckin eh!! My comment was posted twice after a "communication error". UGH, pretty ironic (don't you think).