Thursday, March 27, 2008

lay of the land

I have been told by a few people that a map of the Lenox food court would aid in enjoying reading the entries related to The Great Food Project. For those people, I present the following map:

I have also been told by people that it's a bit disappointing that some of the choices are fairly pedestrian, such as Burger King or Taco Bell. That may be true, but all these ordinary restaurants add up to a food court that has more choices than any other food court that I can think of. Still, by the time that I end the Great Food Court Project, will I be disenchanted by this level of choice? Will I just eat at Great Wraps and Chick-fil-a all the time? Do food court restaurants even matter? These are the questions I hope to answer over the course of the project.

Anyways, now that you know all the choices I face in conducting this experiment, feel free to leave comments with your vote of where I should go next. I will consider them, but bear in mind that ultimately, I must vote with my stomach.


Anonymous said...

I'm voting Sakkio Japan. ATT&T...I hate when non-food stores make it into the food court. - WTF?

Anonymous said...

Agreed, Japanese food sounds good. Plus for a fleeting moment you will feel like you are in Seattle again. Sakkio it to me!