Wednesday, July 25, 2007


Well, I have not been getting too much hilarious spam e-mail lately. Plus, I have a stronger spam filter at work than I did when I started this blog, and it significantly minimizes the time I spend looking at my spam. The spam quarantine summary is always waiting for me when I get to work, and I just have to give it a glance, and delete it. The one thing I always notice is if someone is sending me spam from my own email address, or a very close variation of it. I think this is very clever of spammers, because it makes me sit up, take notice, and say, hey, what did I send myself?! And lately, I have been sending myself some interesting things. I wouldn't say they're hilarious and probably not interesting to anyone but me, but this spammer who has my name sends these weird combination of words that I find amusing. It's as if I am sending myself writing prompts or band names from the future.

Here are the ones I have gotten lately:
-linguistic toothache
-elusive diskette
-spartan fetishist
-financial cab driver
-ghastly philosopher
-polka-dotted bullfrog
-treacherous grizzly bear
-ghastly insurance agent
-polite crank case
-moldy tabloid
-mysterious pit viper
-linguistic freight train

And this one wasn't from me, it was from both Leona Saldana and Jeffrey Looney. The title is "Make your fat friends envy you." It was so petty, yet so appealing, that I couldn't help but stop on that one. If there is any group of people that I would like to envy me, it would be my fat friends. Followed closely by my skinny friends, as well as my friends of a medium weight. Sometimes I appreciate that spammers are clearly only trying to help me reach my full potential, be it related to my weight, my medications, my bank account or my penis size. But I appreciate it more when it's phrased in the way that Leona and Jeffrey put it---in petty, backhanded terms I can get behind.

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