Sunday, July 22, 2007

Book #20: Me Talk Pretty One Day

The book: Me Talk Pretty One Day by David Sedaris

What is this book about: This book of essays explores things such as living in France, family, odd jobs, tourists, etc.

Why did I read this book: Because in anticipation of Harry Potter day, I started reading something last week that would be easy enough to put down so that I could focus on Harry.

But I should also probably mention why I didn’t read this book before now. Obviously, this book was popular several years ago, and I bought it several years ago. But I never read it, because of a deep, dark secret, one that I try to keep to myself during relevant conversations, because it seems to attract the same types of looks that telling people you don’t like dogs does. The secret is:

I did not think Naked was that funny.

I mean, I thought it was well-observed, and well-written, but it wasn’t the 24-hour laughfest I had been promised. I even took Naked on a flight and had second thoughts, because I had been told that I would laugh so hysterically, and I didn’t want to embarrass myself on the flight. But I didn’t need to worry, because I didn’t ever really laugh out loud. I thought some things were clever, and I thought some things were really tedious. But in all my conversations about this book, I’ve only found one other person who didn’t think that David Sedaris was an idol that we should be worshipping.

But I decided to give him another chance.

What did I think of this book: Well, I liked it better than Naked. But I didn’t laugh out loud. That seems to be the standard that everyone measures David Sedaris books by—how much they laughed. Even now, a glance of the back of the book just talks about laughing and laughing and laughing. I like to think I have a good sense of humor. Why was I not laughing?

What was my favorite part of this book: I liked any mention of Amy Sedaris, who I think, if I were given my druthers, would be the member of the Sedaris family that I would want to go out for drinks with.

What did I learn from this book: I have no sense of humor. I live a laughless life.

What grade do I give this book: B-

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