Wednesday, July 1, 2009

a dream is a wish your heart makes

You know how people tell you to have "sweet dreams"? Well, last night, I definitely had a sweet dream. Actually, sweet and savory. I dreamt that I was floating on a giant tortilla chip in a pool filled with guacamole. I could break off little pieces of the tortilla chip and get some guacamole without ruining my raft. The moon was a chocolate chip cookie and the stars were made of popcorn. Here is a drawing depicting my dream:

Dreamers's note: I did not dream that there was an ice cream cone next to the pool of guacamole. It was just something I added in while I was drawing, because it seemed like a good thing to have there.

1 comment:

George said...

Huh, the pool of guacamole was an above ground pool? I didn't picture that.