Saturday, May 5, 2007

cinco de mayo

This morning I went to the gym. My bus to downtown was driven by a driver-in-training, who I don’t think is going to make it…she kept “spazzing” as she put it and not listening to the guy who was training her. It took awhile to get downtown.

Then, I was walking to the gym. Outside the gym is a sandwich board with balloons, advertising the smoothies and the membership specials. As I approached the gym, I watched a homeless man take a cigarette, and hold it to the string holding one of the balloons, until the balloon burned off and flew away. The man kept walking at that point, satisfied, I guess, by the destruction he had created.

Things like that make me realize that I can’t say anything to anybody, because you just don’t know what people are capable of anymore, or what they’ll do to find a little peace of mind.

In happier news, I went to see the Decemberists last night. They put on a great show, but since I’ve seen them a few times before, I was also happy that it wasn’t the same show over and over. I would really like to be friends with Colin Meloy…I think we would just go to coffee shops and read stuff.

But I did come up with a theory of work at the concert, that might be naïve, but here we go…obviously all members of the Decemberists are talented and original, but in concert, people watch Colin, because he’s singing songs he wrote, playing guitar, jumping around, etc. But everyone has to play a part, and they have to put up with a lead singer who gets all the attention. I should probably remember that at work, that even though I would like to be Colin Meloy, I might just be a drummer or an accordion player right now. I hope that is suitably vague, but even so, I can probably never tell anyone at work about my blog now.

But back to sad/weird things: last night, two seconds after I got dropped off, a truck crossed over from the wrong side and drove into a telephone pole. A few seconds later, the car I had been in might have been hit, or if I hadn’t had a head start walking away, something might have flown off and hit me. If a pole hadn’t been there, he might have driven into an apartment complex. This morning, I saw a car that had been in the way…the side of it was almost completely destroyed. It was the best advertisement for off-street parking I’ve ever seen. Anyways, very scary.

Now I’m doing laundry because I had a dream that I did laundry last night. In the dream, my clothes got completely dyed and destroyed, and I couldn’t figure out how to work the machine. I hope it goes better in real life.

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